Friday, May 30, 2008

The Park at Fiesta Island

Today I went to Fiesta Island and met up with my friend Sommer and her playgroup at the park for some children's portraits. What fun! I had the chance to meet so many kids and their mommies. I loved seeing all the little personalities coming out of those tiny humans even if it meant seeing a few tears shed. Children are so resilient! One minute they're crying and the next they're smiling! I love it! It makes for great pictures. Thanks to everyone who made it out today. Working in the sun with little people isn't such a bad life!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dodger Game Weekend

A new tradition of ours is to take a trip to L.A. once every year to see a Dodger game. Jesse loves the Dodgers and he's from L.A. so it's like having a free tour guide around the city. This year Jesse, Gregg, Shira and myself made the trip. We picked up Jesse's sister, Vicky, in Long Beach and headed to Venice Beach for some lunch and sight seeing.

We stayed downtown since it's so close to Dodger Stadium. It was a great idea and we didn't hit any traffic. Unfortunately, the Dodgers lost. We had fun anyway! Shira and I tried to convince everyone to take a dip in the hot tub but to no avail. I guess it was probably a good idea since we had more sight seeing the next day.

Jesse took us to Olvera Street on Sunday. Our tour guide informed us that it was the first neighborhood in Los Angeles. It had the familiar Hispanic flare one sees so much of here in Southern California. We even got a chance to see some dancing. We weren't sure if it was Aztec or Mayan but either way it was fun to watch. Jesse and Vicky didn't miss the opportunity to buy some piping hot churros. I prefer mine while waiting in line to cross the border back into the U.S. from Tijuana.

We ended our day with Jesse's brother John. Their fantasy baseball team met up for some beers at a sports bar near John's house. John somehow convinced us to come back to his place for a game of Rock Band. We each took turns playing drums, bass and singing. We had so much fun that we didn't realize time had gotten away from us. Thanks to our amazing tour guide and responsible driver Jesse, we made it home safely.

We had an awesome weekend. I love our friends and I love Jesse's family! Thanks guys for making it so fun. I can't wait to do it again.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jesse's Birthday

For those of you that don't know, my boyfriend Jesse had a birthday yesterday. I surprised him at our co-ed softball game with a bottle of Patron and shots for everybody. He loves tequila! I took a few pictures of him and we made sure to make lots of noise during the game. The noise makers helped. Afterward, we headed to the local bar where our friends Chris and Joy surprised him with a cake, German chocolate. The evening was topped off with the finding of two small dogs. One of them was a puppy and Jesse fell in love with it. He talked all night of how he was going to keep the dogs. I was secretly hoping we would bump into the owners before the night was through. Thankfully, we did. Sadly Jesse had to give the dogs back but it was fun for awhile to imagine his new dog. I love you Jesse! I hope you had fun.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

To the Pool I Go!

Yesterday I shot a wedding with Rebecca Seal. Boy was it a hot one! We started our nine hour day in Lemon Grove and finished in Balboa Park. Talk about needing a shower!

So today I'm heading to the pool with my awesome friends for some relaxation. I gotta work on my tan!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Avery and Ella

This morning I had the fortune of meeting up with a friend of mine and her two girls, Avery and Ella. I spent some time catching up with Sommer and taking pictures of those two cuties of hers. Sommer is a great mom so I wasn't surprised to find two wonderful little girls running around. Thanks so much Sommer. You really are an amazing woman and I'm so happy for you! Here's a preview. Enjoy!

Pet Rescue Day on the Bay

Yesterday Rusty and I boarded a cruise on the Hornblower. The Helen Woodward Center was taking donations for animal rescue and in return you and your dog could take a cruise around the bay. So of course, that's exactly what Sir Russel and I did! We had a great time and I had the fortune of meeting some wonderful dogs and people. Everyone was so friendly, happy, and willing to let me take a few shots of their dogs. Thank you to everyone! I had a great time. Here a just a few shots of some of the dogs I had the pleasure of meeting.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just another day

Today was a long day at the ol' part time job. I'm finding as the years go by that I just want to get along with people but that doesn't always mean that everyone is on the same page as me. It doesn't exactly mean I'm an innocent but I do try my best. I am only human after all.

On the plus side, I have a shoot on Friday with my friend Sommer. She went off and had two beautiful baby girls for me to photograph. I am so excited! I'm hoping we'll have some time to catch up too. I love working with friends when shooting. It is so much fun!

And speaking of working with friends, check out the portrait gallery on my site. I recently had the pleasure of giggling with my wonderful friend Katie on a shoot. She was such a good sport and kept me laughing the whole time I was clicking away on the shutter. Needless to say, she's a beautiful girl and the pictures reflected her personality quite well. But just in case you can't figure out which one is Katie, I'll post a few for you to give you a hint. Thanks Katie! You're amazing and I love laughing way too much with you!

Monday, May 5, 2008

My Weekend

Well it's official. Wedding season with Rebecca Seal Photography has begun. It never ceases to amaze me how good of a photographer she is. I went with her to Holtville this weekend in El Centro. We had no idea what to expect other than hot weather. Turns out there's not a lot to do out there but the people are very friendly.

It was a long weekend but to make it even longer, I came home the next day from Holtville, changed my clothes and went to my awful part time job. Needless to say, I am exhausted from the weekend. I am enjoying a relaxing day off today and then back to work tomorrow.

Everybody needs a day off!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just blogging in...

Well I figure since I haven't written anything for about two weeks, I better check in.

I'm still working hard on all my business start up. I'm trying to finish the website, printing business cards, etc. All this and I'm still working my awful part time job and shooting with Rebecca Seal Photography on the weekends. I love that girl! She teaches me so much.

So just hang in there folks, if anyone is actually reading this, there's more to come in the next few weeks.