Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jen and Greg are Engaged!

I have known Jen and Greg for as long as I've lived in San Diego. They are very good friends of my brother's and we even play on the same kickball team. Needless to say, I was honored when they asked me to photograph their wedding day. If these engagement pictures are any indication of how the big day is going to be, I think it's going to be a ton of fun. Enjoy this preview you two goofballs!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekend in Temecula

Last weekend our friends took Jesse and I up to Harrah's Rincon and Temecula for a little "honeymoon" getaway. As some of you may know, Jesse and I just got married back in December. Since we aren't going on our honeymoon until later this year, our friends thought it would be nice to get us out of town for the weekend. Too much fun! We gambled a bit at the casino and I spent the rest of the evening dancing my butt off. The next day we got up and went wine tasting in Temecula. We not only tasted lots of wine but we also met a horse with a pension for chewing on people's arms. Weird. Shira loves animals so I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of her day. Thank you to our wonderful friends for filling our lives with love and laughter.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Brian and Jen

Ladies and Gentlemen, the one and only, Brian Superka! And his girlfriend Jen. Brian is a friend of ours that used to live here in San Diego. He eventually moved back to Colorado but he still graces us with his presence every once in awhile. Jen is a lovely girl! I am so happy we had a chance to spend some time with the both of you this weekend. Much love, happiness and safe travels home!