Friday, August 8, 2008

We need a scooter!

Jesse and I have been talking for several months about how great it would be if we owned a scooter. Ever since the untimely death of my wonderful Honda, we have been sharing a car. I love Jesse's XTerra but it is quite a gas guzzler. We both agree that if we had a scooter we could save money on gas and be just a little friendlier to the environment.

Today we went to one of the local scooter stores. They've been in business for 16 years! Wow! The salesmen was so friendly and gave us a lot of information on scooters. We even got to sit on a few of them. Unfortunately, we didn't get to test drive any because they are completely sold out of models for testing. The demand for these little vehicles is quite high right now.

I've already got my helmet picked out, it's pink! Now we just need to start saving or raising some money for one. Does anyone have any ideas or want to make a donation? Seriously! Help!

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