Monday, July 28, 2008

Exciting Changes

I've been looking forward to the month of August ever since my brother Dave said he was moving back to San Diego. I guess I didn't realize how much I've been missing my family until the few that I had here left.

Dave is going to be staying with Jesse and I in our spare bedroom. Well, it's not much of a bedroom yet but I'm hoping to have it all in order by the time he gets here. We just bought a new computer desk to make room for a bed in there. Much more exciting for me than Jesse.

I hope he likes it with us. I know it's not permanent but I still think he deserves to feel at home. I can't wait to see you Dave!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Awful Part-Time Job Becoming More Awful

Ugh! Looks like things are not going so well at my part time job. It seems that management may not be able to grant me the weekends that I need off for weddings anymore. So far all my August weddings are safe but there are no promises for the future. Bummer. Oh well, it might be a good thing. Maybe some force of nature is telling me it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Which certainly wouldn't be such a bad thing.

So for all of you out there who actually read my blog and for those of you who know me, send me some love and good vibes. I know I'm going to find something that makes me happier than I am right now. And I'm pretty happy so you can imagine how I might feel if I find something better!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jesse Makes Me Laugh

My boyfriend, Jesse, is always up for making people laugh and this picture of him holding our friend Chris is no exception. Thanks for being a goofball Jesse. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you!

McKenzie and Jake

Today I photographed McKenzie and Jake. McKenzie is pregnant with twins so we set out to do a maternity shoot. The couple was very sweet. Jake wasn't much for having his picture taken but he went along with all my instructions. We had a beautiful sunset at a park near the beach in P.B. Unfortunately, we couldn't go down to the beach due to a set of stairs. McKenzie is on bed rest but still managed to move around the park quite well!

Congratulations to the both of you! I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to photographing the new babies when they arrive!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

OC Bride Magazine

The OC Bride magazine always features what they call real weddings and July's issue is featuring one of my weddings! Last December I took a trek up to the OC to shoot Kristen and Freddy's wedding. They are such a sweet couple and were so cooperative with all the photos that day. And I know they are excited to be on the pages of a magazine. I'm excited too!

Check out the link and click on Kristen and Freddy or just pick up a copy of the OC Bride.

Look Mommy! I'm all grown up and my photos are in a magazine!