Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Mom's Vacation

So my mom just recently came to San Diego for a vacation. We went for the obligatory pedicure which she loves because it's so much more affordable here. She checked out a few of our softball games and even managed to make it to a Padres game. The schedule was pretty packed for the whole week but we squeezed in some quality time for the traditional "mom pics" I always shoot for her. I love you mom. I wish you lived here so I could come to your house whenever I want. I will miss you but I'm glad we had a chance to spend some time together.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just Another Jesse Pic

At the beginning of August I shot a wedding and my wonderful boyfriend came to help out. He's such a great assistant. The wedding was on a Friday so he rushed home from work just to help me. Thank you Jesse for supporting me and believing in me. Oh and thank you for holding the reflector! Ha ha! Enjoy this picture I took of Jesse during the shoot.