Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Surfin' Stevie

Yesterday morning I drug my tired butt out of bed to meet up with Steve for some surf photos. I'm so glad I decided to do it because I ended up enjoying myself so much. How great to get paid to enjoy the ocean and all the peace and quiet! Just watching Steve and all the other surfers completely explains why they love to do it.

I had so much fun that we are going out again next week for some more shots. I hope the waves cooperate and are a bit bigger next time!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Callie's Baptism

Araceli is one of my super amazing clients. I have been included in some very important moments in her life. I was there for her pregnancy, the birth of her second little girl and now the baptism of her newest arrival. The service was very laid back and intimate. And surprisingly, Callie did very well with the baptism. There was minimal crying while she had water poured on the top of her head. We will be doing a post shoot on an upcoming date but for now, here is a preview from today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Wedding Jewelry!

I found it, my jewelry for the big day! Jesse and I spent last weekend in Payson, Arizona at the Kohl's Ranch Lodge. It was this amazing rustic log cabin type of hotel. They had a restaurant, bar and souvenirs. There was a cute little wooden cabinet in the lobby with all kinds of trinkets and things and there it was, my necklace! I said, "Look Jesse, that necklace reminds me of our invitations". He told me that I should get it for the wedding. The thought hadn't even occurred to me until he said something. Good think I'm marrying him! He's such a smart guy.

I am so happy with this find and I can not wait to wear it on our wedding day!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tim and Emily

Last Friday Jesse and I hopped on a plane to Phoenix and then headed out to Payson, AZ. We thought we were spending the weekend in the desert but we soon found ourselves in the mountains driving through a crazy rainstorm, lightening included. Despite the rain, we had a great time. Tim and Emily put us up in a great lodge. We got a taste of the local flavor and even stopped by the casino to donate some money.

I was afraid the weather would put a damper on the wedding on Sunday but low and behold, the sun came out! Tim and Emily's wedding went off without a hitch. Jesse spent his time lugging around my equipment and trying to wrangle family members. We could not have asked to meet a nicer group of people. Emily's mom gave me a hug and Tim's brother gave Jesse and I props for all our hard work. How often does that happen?

Well Tim and Emily, I liked you the first moment I met you both, I cried at your wedding and was honored to be chosen to photograph the event. I hope you live a long and happy life together and have many, many, many, many, many babies. I had to steal that quote from Tim's vows. Enjoy the sneak peak!