Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is This Sophie or Odie?

You decide.

Delia doesn't care as long as there is food.

Friday, April 10, 2009

For Your Amusement

Here are more photos of the dynamic canine trio.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay, Just a Few More

This is it... I promise.

More Kellee and Nick

Just a few more to tease you with.

Kelle and Nick

I'm still in the process of editing these photos but I thought I'd put one up for now. More to come...

Friday, April 3, 2009


So I just aquired Lightroom 2 today. Oh man! Have I got a lot to learn! There is so much new information in using this software. Just when I was getting used to using Photoshop. Now I need to teach myself so much more.

I went out and bought one of Scott Kelby's wonderful books to help me through this stuff. I love the way this guy writes. He breaks everything down into the most simple terms. Even a computer idiot like me can understand what he's trying to say! I have to say, his book on Lightroom is blowing my mind. But I gave it a shot.

So here's an example of a photo I started with and edited in Photoshop and then what I did with that same image in Lightroom.

So... I probably shouldn't have messed with the sky in the second one. But what can I say? I got excited!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Actions

So I just bought a set of new actions and thought I'd test them out. It's pretty fun to have some new stuff on hand to enhance some of my photos. Check it out.