Friday, April 3, 2009


So I just aquired Lightroom 2 today. Oh man! Have I got a lot to learn! There is so much new information in using this software. Just when I was getting used to using Photoshop. Now I need to teach myself so much more.

I went out and bought one of Scott Kelby's wonderful books to help me through this stuff. I love the way this guy writes. He breaks everything down into the most simple terms. Even a computer idiot like me can understand what he's trying to say! I have to say, his book on Lightroom is blowing my mind. But I gave it a shot.

So here's an example of a photo I started with and edited in Photoshop and then what I did with that same image in Lightroom.

So... I probably shouldn't have messed with the sky in the second one. But what can I say? I got excited!

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