Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Wood Family

This morning I drove out to San Marcos for a family portrait session with Trisha and her family. I was delighted to not only be shooting in a fabulous location but to also find that the entire family are naturals in front of the camera! Take note people because it doesn't get any better than this! Trisha, Josh, Ella, I had a lovely time working with you today. It would not take any convincing at all to get me to do it again. Best wishes for the new baby on the way and make sure to eat lots of candy tonight while trick or treating!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Our Little Soapers

Today I woke up and took Rusty and Sophie on a walk to the dog park. It wasn't long after we arrived when another dog attacked Sophie. This wasn't the first time a dog has gone after her but this was the first time I was truly scared for her. The dog didn't stop until I was right up on the two of them. Poor little Sophie was whimpering and shaking. Another dog owner came over to help me check Sophie for wounds. Thank goodness she was unharmed.

All I could think about on our walk back home is how quickly I could have lost her today. We have only had her for a little over a year but she is very much a part of our little family. So today I would like to dedicate my blog to our little Soapers. She's a goofy dog with a heart of gold. Her balance is always in question and she always has plenty of kisses to give. We love you Sophie and I hope you'll stick around for awhile.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Callie and Family Part 2

Callie was recently baptized and we had hoped to have a photo session after the service. Too bad she had other things in mind, like eating or sleeping!

We headed out to Balboa Park yesterday to finish up our photo session. It was amazing! Callie's family came along and we got some great stuff!

Araceli, your girls are so beautiful. I only hope that Jesse and I will one day have such gorgeous children. And I loved getting a big hug from your mom! Tell your family thank you for me for all their patience while I drug them around the park.