Friday, May 2, 2008

Just blogging in...

Well I figure since I haven't written anything for about two weeks, I better check in.

I'm still working hard on all my business start up. I'm trying to finish the website, printing business cards, etc. All this and I'm still working my awful part time job and shooting with Rebecca Seal Photography on the weekends. I love that girl! She teaches me so much.

So just hang in there folks, if anyone is actually reading this, there's more to come in the next few weeks.


Leppert Photography said...

Hi Jill! Congratulations on your new site and business! I am so proud of you. The website looks fantastic! Talk to you soon! Laura :)

sharona said...

Hello lovely daughter...I just left you a message, but apparently it didn't go I'll try again.

Mostly, I am just so happy that you are so happy. You've come a long way, I know...and it hasn't always been easy. But now it's all starting to pay off...and now all your dreams are coming true.

God bless you, dear child...I love you so much...more than you mom