Monday, June 30, 2008

This could be a breakthrough!

Look! They're sitting next to each other! Or maybe it was just because I had treats in my hand.


Jesse and I went up to Orange County on Saturday for his Aunt Gloria's surprise 50th birthday party. It was hilarious! We were all waiting in the living room at his Aunt Eva's as we watched Gloria run up to the door. She thought they were picking Eva up for dinner. As soon as she opened the door we all yelled surprise and the Mariachi band they had hired started playing. Gloria stood there for a second and then ran away! When she came back in, she was handed a margarita and started giving out hugs to everybody. I think she was sufficiently surprised.

The best part of the party was the Mariachi band playing out back while we ate dinner. They were taking requests. I kept asking Jesse if he thought they were going to play that song from the Ben Stiller movie, Heartbreak Kid. Jesse was laughing at me because I kept singing the tune. So of course, Jesse flags down the band and points at me. I felt so dumb but I asked them anyway if they knew the song. One of the guy's faces lit up and he says, "Mariachi Loco"! The next thing we hear is that song! I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. The band was dancing and everything. It was the best song of the evening by far.

I love Jesse's Aunt Gloria. She's always so sweet and takes the time to say hi to everybody. Happy Birthday Gloria and congrats to Patrick, her son, on graduating. Thank you to Eva for planning the whole thing. Jesse's family knows how to throw a party.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

And one more thing...

Do you think Rusty is mad or what?

More Sophie!

So I'm sure you're all dying to see some more pictures of our new puppy Sophie. I just happen to have a few for you. She's proving herself to be a wonderful addition. With the exception of those five o'clock wake up calls, we are really enjoying her.

It looks as if she has Jesse's personality, quiet intrigue. She's very laid back and thoughtful in a way. She is not as hyper as Rusty so I think it'll be a good balance. Maybe Rusty and Sophie can learn something from each other.

Enjoy the new pictures. This dog definitely demands smiles!

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Addition

So Jesse and I did something very unexpected yesterday. We adopted a puppy! We have been wanting another dog for so long and when we saw this little girl we knew she was the one. Her name is Sophie and she is just precious! Thanks to Marie and Baja Animal Sanctuary for the adoption.

And by the way, this is what Rusty thinks of all of it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

One Hot Weekend

This weekend I shot two weddings with Rebecca Seal Photography. The first was on Friday in Del Mar and the second was at Liberty Station. Could the weekend have been any hotter? Sometimes I feel like it's hard to look professional when I'm covered in sweat. Gross. I wouldn't be surprised if the guests talked about how smelly the photographers were. But can you blame us? We are just working hard out in the sun! I love my job so if I have to sweat a little to get through the day then it's totally worth it.

Now that work is over, today I'm heading up to the fair with Jesse and two of our friends. I'm sure I'll sweat some more up there. Can you actually lose any weight from all this sweating?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Day Off

Tuesdays are generally my day off and today is no exception. I have to admit. I was rather lazy today. I woke up early and went to the gym and then came home to get cleaned up and take Rusty to the park. Rusty and I spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. I can't believe how tired I was today. I'm sure I'm not the only person out there that takes extremely long naps at times.

I've gotta throw a little life in my day so tonight I'm going to spend some time with my friends up the street at one of the local bars. Nothing too crazy of course. We all have to get up and work tomorrow after all!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just a thought...

I'd like to think that I have a great sense of humor especially when it comes to my photography. Here is a perfect example which has happened twice recently and makes me laugh everytime someone says it to me.

As I said before, this has happened on two occasions. The first time was with a friend and the second was with a potential client. Both stories involve them flipping through my work to check it out. The comment was the same in each scenario, "It looks so professional!". Here is where I would insert my laugh! It's a good natured laugh at that. I love the comment, really. In the end, it's a compliment to me but when do I get to be a professional without people being surprised by my work? I guess it is up to all the fine people out there waiting to hire me. They'll let me know. Until then, I will love the comment/compliment and continue to laugh whole heartedly about it.