Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just a thought...

I'd like to think that I have a great sense of humor especially when it comes to my photography. Here is a perfect example which has happened twice recently and makes me laugh everytime someone says it to me.

As I said before, this has happened on two occasions. The first time was with a friend and the second was with a potential client. Both stories involve them flipping through my work to check it out. The comment was the same in each scenario, "It looks so professional!". Here is where I would insert my laugh! It's a good natured laugh at that. I love the comment, really. In the end, it's a compliment to me but when do I get to be a professional without people being surprised by my work? I guess it is up to all the fine people out there waiting to hire me. They'll let me know. Until then, I will love the comment/compliment and continue to laugh whole heartedly about it.

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