Friday, December 25, 2009


Nothing says Christmas quite like an afternoon nap. I believe these photos say it all. My new sister in law sleeping on the couch with our dogs. Rusty was even doing some hardcore snoring!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Brandie and Friends

These girls were a great distraction from my wedding jitters. I had soooo much fun. Brandie's sister Carrie is a total ham! Merry Christmas ladies. I hope you like these!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Wedding is Fast Approaching

In just over a week, Jesse and I are going to be taking the plunge into marriage. It's been an adventure so far. I have learned that Mexican families love each other very much, are all up in everybody's business and they really do drink tequila! They have also been incredible in welcoming me into the family. Jesse's mom, brother and sister are like family to me. I feel so comfortable around them and they have always made it so easy to be myself. I know that Jesse and I are going to have a wonderful life together. I'm sure we will continue to enjoy life and laugh together even more than we already have!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rebecca and Bruce

I don't think I could have been any luckier when this session landed in my lap. Rebecca is a professional photographer in Arizona and wanted nothing more than to have a session at the beach. I had such a wonderful time with these two. They were both so laid back and just so happy. I know it sounds crazy but I feel like I have a kindred spirit in Rebecca. Maybe that's because we are both from Ohio! But whatever the case may be, I hope she is someone I will keep in touch with if only to share our photo stories.

Thank you Rebecca and Bruce for being the cherry on top of my day. I came home on cloud nine after working with you. I only hope the two of you will look at these photos and somehow forget that horrid smell down by the peer! :) I hope it was worth it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Family Session Determined by Tiny Human!!!

Last night I rode up to Long Beach to prepare for my early morning family session in Seal Beach. I stayed with Jesse's sister, Vicky and in the morning we made our way to the beach to meet up with Dustin, Bobbi Jo and Leighton. Leighton is only a small child but she let me know right away how she wanted things to be. Bobbi Jo and Dustin divided their time between smiling and chasing after Leighton while I tried to figure out a way to make her hold still. No such luck! But I had waaaay more fun letting this little girl do her own thing. I learned quickly that Leighton is very friendly and says hello to just about everyone that walks by and I also learned that the word "bite" means gimme more animal crackers!

Thank you Dustin and Bobbi Jo for all your patience. You are a beautiful family! I can only hope to work with you again in the future.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Wood Family

This morning I drove out to San Marcos for a family portrait session with Trisha and her family. I was delighted to not only be shooting in a fabulous location but to also find that the entire family are naturals in front of the camera! Take note people because it doesn't get any better than this! Trisha, Josh, Ella, I had a lovely time working with you today. It would not take any convincing at all to get me to do it again. Best wishes for the new baby on the way and make sure to eat lots of candy tonight while trick or treating!